SPARK KIDS SUNDAY JANUARY 29, 2023 Thank you, Pastor Ronnie Palmer, Spark Kids, and Sound Team! WATCH VIDEO HERE
DetailsSPARK KIDS SUNDAY JANUARY 29, 2023 Thank you, Pastor Ronnie Palmer, Spark Kids, and Sound Team! WATCH VIDEO HERE
DetailsCHRIST OUR HEALER JANUARY 22, 2023 What happens if we start praying like we believe that our Jesus is still Christ our Healer? Is anyone among you in trouble? Let them pray. Is anyone happy? Let them sing songs of praise. Is anyone among you sick? Let them call the elders of the church to pray over them…
DetailsWHAT ARE YOU DOING? JANUARY 15, 2023 Luke 5:27-32 What are you doing for Jesus? Using what I have, what am I doing for the glory of God? Do something grand for Jesus in 2023! Thank you, Pastor Ronnie Palmer, Praise Band and Sound Team!
DetailsRAISE THE ROOF JANUARY 8, 2023 Luke 5:17-26 There are people who need help getting to Jesus. How far will we go to get others to Jesus? My faith in Christ impacts the lives of others. Thank you, Pastor Ronnie Palmer, Praise Band and Sound Team!
DetailsDROP YOUR NETS JANUARY 1, 2023 God’s Word is anointed and changes lives! Press in to hear God’s Word Do what the Lord asks of you God has a new work for you to do in 2023 – God gets to write your story if you let Him Don’t allow the new to be hindered…
DetailsSING A NEW SONG TO THE LORD DECEMBER 18, 2022 Thank you, Pastor Ronnie Palmer, Praise Band and Sound Team!
DetailsTHE GOSPEL BREAKING LIVE DECEMBER 11, 2022 Thank you, Youth Group, Firecrackers, and all who helped make it possible to present the good news of the birth of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ! VIEW SERVICE HERE
DetailsMARY’S MAGNIFICAT DECEMBER 4, 2022 LUKE 1: 26-48 Let this be the position from where you live…stay humble before the Lord. “I am the Lord’s servant,” said Mary. “May it be done to me according to your word.” Then the angel left her. (Luke 1:38) And Mary said: My soul praises the greatness of the…
DetailsWHEN BAD IS GOOD AND GOOD IS BAD NOVEMBER 27, 2022 Thank you, Brother Billy Coleman, Praise Band, and the Sound Team!
Details3 THINGS JESUS GAVE THANKS FOR Jesus gave thanks for what was in front of Him (Matthew 15:35:37) Jesus gave thanks for God hearing Him (for being there – Emmanuel – God with Us) John 11:38:42 Jesus gave thanks for what was to come (His plan) giving His life for the salvation for the world…